Personal Loans
Any way you crunch the numbers, a Personal Loan from your Credit Union balances into a great deal. You can obtain financing for the almost any reason.
Signature/Personal Loans
Amount | Term | APR* As Low As |
$0- $1,000 | 12 Months | 9.00% - 18.00% | $1,001 - $2,000 | 24 Months | 9.00% - 9.49% |
$2,001 - $4,000 | 36 Months | 9.00% - 9.49% |
$4,001 - $6,000 | 48 Months | 9.49% - 9.99% |
$6,001 - $10,000 | 60 Months | 9.49% - 9.99% |
*Unit cost example based on 36 monthly payments of 34.67 per $1000 borrowed. Annual Percentage Rate is fixed for the term of the loan.